The Mission

You may register online, over the phone (614-794-3298) or in person.

The Mission of Generations

Generations is dedicated to nurturing the child's spirit
through the art of dance.......

...educating through discipline, teamwork, socialization, cooperation and Judeo-Christian Principles

....self-assurance through goal setting and consistent progress

....instilling confidence and self esteem

.....making every child feel special service through performance and education!

8 Reasons to Choose Generations:

  1. Family-Friendly Customer Service
  2. Healthy Nurturing Christian Environment
  3. Hassle Free Recitals with Free Parking and Unlimited tickets
  4. Outstanding Training From Beginner Through Professional
  5. Great Uptown Location
  6. Community Performance Opportunities
  7. Professional Raised Wood Flooring
  8. Opportunity for you and your dancer to develop relationships that last a lifetime.